A Date On The Lounge- Presentation

Last time we came together we discussed some do & don'ts for artists about approaching a gallery for representation.

Today, I would like to give some tips about how an artist should present their artworks.

While these points may seem common sense to some, it is these aspects which can be overlooked.

It is important for an artist to present their artworks in a professional manner, not only as it is an extension of themselves as an artist but also their artwork as a professional.

Presentation is one important aspect when trying to sell your artwork.  I am sure you would like to sell your artwork for best price?

1. Is your artwork named and signed. Name of artworks, year produced written on the back.

2. Signed by the artists, some artists like to  sign on the back, whilst most prefer to have their signature on the front... On the bottom corner is the norm.

3. Include any story about the artworks if applicable.

4. Artworks should be packaged appropriately, Present to the Gallery how you would like your artworks to be presented to the purchaser.

5. Are your artworks ready for hanging? D Rings, wire not string

6. If framed, Framing free of damage, Clean glass and free of marks

Presentation, Presentation, take pride in your artworks, alot of hours has been invested into creating your artworks, this step is so important in the creative process.


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