Inspiration- How for Artists to get Inspired

Inspiration can be found in so many forms and in so many aspects in our life's.. This blog is in regard to inspiration in the art world and artists.
According to Oxford Dictionary, Inspiration can be best defined as the process of being mentally simulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
As a noun, "inspiration",, is stimulation or arousal of the mind, feelings, etc to a special or unusual activity or creativity, the state or quality of being stimulate or aroused.
Ways to help inspiration for artists:
  • "Constantly", thinking out the box
  • A book or inspiration board
  • Doodling can trigger important insights, journaling helps the flow of the thought process
  • Learn something new, try something different
  • Mediation, Let the mind wander
  • Break The routine
  • Spend time in nature
  • Exercise
  • Cultivate mindfulness- sit still
  • Play and laugh
  • Appreciate others people work
Engaging with high quality content- creative or otherwise- from people who inspire you can open up new possibilities and make you feel more motivated.
  • Stroll through the city
  • exploring nature
  • Looking back over past work
  • visiting art galleries & museums
  • attending cultural creative events
  • other artists work
To be inspired by another is all good but is it okay to copy?
A good way to start thinking of your own ideas.  Research shows that copying work by others can relax your brain and open up different perspectives, especially if its in an unfamiliar style.
The key to being inspired by but not copying other artists is choose the bits and pieces that you like from other artists and then create your own style...

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